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Contact Email for Commissions:

How much do you charge?

From $1.5 to 2.0 per page. The price will increase if the manga is unusually wordy or if it will require additional image editing due to text style (text directly on image). The full cost of translation must be paid before I begin working on it. Larger works can be broken into parts and worked on separately if you prefer.

Transactions will be done via paypal.

What do you translate?

Japanese to English for manga. I mostly get commission requests for adult content, though.

How long do you take?

Depends. If it's a short chapter, I can get it done in a day or two if there aren't anything else in my backlog.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

[Matumoto Drill Laboratory] the 15,513th Yuki Nagato

Here's a release for the day,  brought to you by fatjoe. Some sort of endless eight cum guzzling slut Yuki doujin.

(/◔ ◡ ◔)/  I’ll be really thankful if you can use this link rather than the rest)





*speaking of Matsumoto Drill Laboratory, check this out.

Kazumi Yoshiyuki (aka Matsumoto Drill Kenkyuujo), author of Konohana, has written on his blog that the censorship wave has finally hit Champion RED Ichigo as the roughs for his latest chapter of Konohana has been rejected by his editor with the reason given being that it’s too erotic.

In a follow up post, he says he talked to his editor and was told that the “guys on top” have their eyes on the magazine now and Kazumi has to cut back on the ero.

An example of the magazine content:

yes, kids can totally buy magazines with things like this in it in Japan. It's an all-age magazine, too.

**Japanese animu toy fail:


  1. what's this magazine?

  2. To be honest, that sort of material *shouldn't* be in an all-ages magazine. I am surprised it has taken this long for something like this to happen. I can understand wanting to keep stuff like this out of the hands of kids.

    I still don't agree with the censorship wave that is changing what sort of material *adults* in Japan have access to though. The restrictions on rape themes in video games and stuff like that for adults is just stupid.

    Enough talk about that though. Thanks desudesu and fatjoe for the doujin.

  3. >An example of the magazine content:

    I don't know....Looks pretty clean to me. Clearly they're just overreacting lol.

  4. Thanks for your speedy translations Desu ^_^

  5. Out of interest, where exactly can i find the manga with that chastity belt?

  6. Err, why are the Animu dolls 'fail'?

    BTW, I hate censorship, it ruined the Bleach Anime! Like Harribel!

    And now PORN is being targeted?!

    Must be the America lovers in the Diet, they want Japan to be repressed as our porn industry.

  7. Whats the name of the manga in the picture in Champion RED Ichigo?

  8. Wow I had no clue, Champion RED Ichigo you say, hmm I guess I have to take a look for myself. *reads* yup I see no problem here, and it's a shame what they are doing to an obviously upstanding, respectable magazine. *wipes nose bleed*(Ugh, we miss out the good stuff over here desu, it's not fair sometimes--not that I'm saying it's good to have those kind of stuff for everyone eyes, but for my own eyes only of course.) Also thanks for sharing

  9. @Che
    I think Desu meant that the one in the right is a failure compared to the doll on the left.

    Also, thanks for the share. :3

  10. Chrome: The manga's title is "Maid in Japan"

  11. Oh shit they're making a Yui figma? Fuck yes!

  12. Kazumi Yoshiyuki's manga, Konohana, has a gangbang scene, which doesn't show any penises. I'm not sure what could top that.

  13. Many thanx Desu and Fatjoe for this interesting story. I wish i knew the end.

  14. >>Must be the America lovers in the Diet, they want Japan to be repressed as our porn industry.

    @Che:That statement reeks of ignorance.

    Fuck, our porn industry is a shitload more 'open' than the Japanese industry EVER WILL BE


    If anything, the 'American lovers' will want the industry to get rid of the censoring. Also, I had no idea that porn was included in all ages magazines. Why not just make your own adults only magazine? I mean, really, its a start.

  15. Is there any of this mangaka's works translated ? His drawing looks good and so erotic.

  16. Err.. My bad. I don't see the author's name.

  17. Lol, I don't think so, Shake. In Japan just about every fetish is legal in porn, as long as they censor the penises. Yes, it's alright to show a girl sucking shit out of a dog's ass with a straw as long as no human penis is shown.

    By the way, does someone have a link to a place where I can see that dickless gangbang scene from Konohana?

  18. Ah, never mind, I found it on Looks like tasteless shit, to be honest, and there are penises. If anyone cares:

  19. OMG... "this" is "for all ages"????
    Japan wa sugoi!!

  20. @Che
    >BTW, I hate censorship, it ruined the Bleach Anime! Like Harribel!
    >All hail grorious NIPPON XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
    Trying too hard bro.

    ">>" Stop this shit; one is sufficient.
    >Fuck, our porn industry is a shitload more ‘open’ than the Japanese industry EVER WILL BE
    OUR PORN INDUSTRY is also pig disgusting.

    Ah, so I see you can predict the future as well.

  21. Also
    >Japanese animu toy fail
    >Speaking in memes, using fail as a noun, etc.

    I regret that I even visit same imageboards that you do. Just fuck..

  22. Meh, who needs ero in their manga when we have such a smattering of doujinshi to sate our lust for anime skin? As long as they keep the over the top violence then I'm cool with it.

    Oh, and thanks for the Yuki doujin.

  23. Have you ever compared the average AV idol to an American porn starlet?

    Our girls are all anorexic burnt-leather-tan stretch-boobjobbed injection-lipped skanks.

    Most Idols are white skinned pure clean beauties w/ a far lower implants/star ratio. Plus the penis pixilation is an IMPROVEMENT over the steroid swelled tattoo covered ass focused porn our country makes. Why do American women even get boobjobs when most of a porn film is a view of a guys ass while the breasts are covered by a guy several time the size of his partner.

    BTW, there are more incest-themed films in Japan than america anyway. (For those who like that.)

    Just go to Boobpedia & compare US vs Japan & tell me who is hotter. XP

    Plus Japan isn't so obsessed about consent laws as we are. Remember, Fuko (she of bakuunyuu) started when she was 16, in the US her fans of the time'd be considered deviants. Sadly, consent laws around the world are moving toward America's values. I'm certain Lolicon will be gone someday. then non-lolicon under-18 hentai (the vast majority) will disappear. Then any under-18 fanservice. Our gov't isn't happy unless it's ruining the culture of other nations. You can't even smoke Cuban cigars when in other countries!

    But yeah, Nippon Hentai beats American porn by every aesthetic standard!

  24. Tsurupettan Loev13 January 2010 at 13:47

    Hmm not bad, but for the enless eight theme I like the Delayder's possibility/115532 where he screws his little sister. Just seems like a better idea to me =)

  25. ever hear of obscenity laws?

    lets go with the biggest one we all know

    2 girls 1 cup

    this a copy paste from the wiki

    The video originated from a Brazilian distributor and filmographer, Marco Fiorito, who describes himself as a "compulsive fetishist".[7] Fiorito originally produced foot fetish videos but soon moved on to coprophagia. The film was produced by MFX Video, one of several companies owned by Fiorito.[7] Fiorito contends his films are legal in Brazil, but authorities in the United States have branded some of his films as obscene and filed charges against Danilo Croce, a Brazilian lawyer living in Florida, listed as an officer of a company distributing Fiorito's films in the United States.[7] Croce accepted a plea bargain and was sentenced to 3 years of unsupervised probation and forfeiture of $98,000.[7] Fiorito said he did not know his films were illegal in the United States and that his films often contained chocolate instead of feces to appease some of his actors who were willing to appear in scat films but not actually eat fecal matter

  26. >'OUR PORN INDUSTRY is also pig disgusting.'

    It depends on where you look. There's a hell of a lot of variety in the American porn industry-more than you might think. You must be talking about the same blonde headed bimbos the mainstream companies churn out.

    >'Our girls are all anorexic burnt-leather-tan stretch-boobjobbed injection-lipped skanks. blah blah blah GRORRIOUS NIPPON'

    It's like you're going out of your way to tell me that I shouldn't pay attention to you, since you're a weeaboo.

    It's like asking a Nazi if Jews 'really are that bad'.

    Look up Stoya Jacks. She has next to NO breasts and has a VERY light skin tone. Almost creamy. She does footjobs, as well. Lily Thai is also another one. Both are NOT huge breasted anorexic bitches. It all depends on where you look. Both industries have their negatives, and it's all subjective.

    I mean, I don't want to see some forest of pubic hair and the same stupid cries coming from a girl in porn. The Japs seem to love that, though. It's like women aren't allowed to enjoy sex or something.

    'C'mon, cry like a little boy, ITS FUCKING HOT. No, you can't enjoy sex. Make that stupid downs syndrome face '>O', cry. CRY HARDER MAKE IT SOUND FAKER.'

    >'no loli'

    Little Lupe.

    That's as close to a loli that's legal as you will ever get in life. Also, we're talking about IRL here, not drawings. If we're talking drawings, then they always beat out reality since they're perfection.

    What everyone here is forgetting is that the American porn industry is more varied than what you may think. Just like hentai, theres the mainstream (big breasts bah blah blah) and the small niches that make up fetishes. Theres an entire genre devoted to girls like little lupe. You're also forgetting that AMERICA DOESNT ONLY MEAN WHITE. Tia Tanaka spends most of her time dressed up in fucking skirts and shit, and she's Japanese. Olivia Olovely is hispanic, and I'm sure theres plenty more.

    America is more racially and ethnically varied than Japan is, so you get all races. I hate the blonde and big breasted generic girls as much as the next guy, but that's not all there is.

    >Ah, so I see you can predict the future as well.

    No, but I can see the present. Let me tell you what I see; industries in two landforms that are very similar, with many different fetishes. I see large breasts, sex in the missionary position, and very few differences.

    The differences are important, though. Like censoring-Japan being the only country, ever, to censor porn. Do you know how insanely absurd that is? I'm grateful though, CAUSE I WOULD HAVE BEEN OFFENDED IF I SAW A PENIS, NOW I CAN SHOW THIS TO MY SON, ITS SAFE TO WATCH! Also, the age on consent in the two countries is different, but un-important. Both countries follow consent laws and arguing that one countries laws have a younger age than the other is a moot point.

    The laws are still followed and enforced. But I agree, Americas age of consent is too damn high.

  27. "Posted in group sex, happy sex, rape, releases by desudesu - 28 Comments"

    Wait, what?

    Isn't the happy sex tag category intended to be the logical opposite of the rape tag...?

  28. @Babbo
    well, it's definitely got happy sex, and i suppose rape too.
    thing is though, they happen at different times
    it goes from rape to happy sex, though i can't be sure the rape is actually rape. seems closer to rape-play; at least on nagato's part. unless of course desu is referring to the 15511 times the doujin didn't show what happened with haruhi and company.

    the happy sex and rape happen at different times

  29. I hope this is a one-time thing and not the beginning of an escalation into a policy of appeasement towards the west, if they would go down that path they could only lose. And if they intend to, WHY do they think they have to do that? Have they no guts, has sovereignty no value to them?

  30. rape? AND happy sex? in the same manga?!

    Tis 'Rape is love' baby!

    Amirite? >:3

  31. The picture in the news article is, i assume, from a newer chapter of Maid in Japan? While i recognize the character it's not in the first 2 volumes.
