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Contact Email for Commissions:

How much do you charge?

From $1.5 to 2.0 per page. The price will increase if the manga is unusually wordy or if it will require additional image editing due to text style (text directly on image). The full cost of translation must be paid before I begin working on it. Larger works can be broken into parts and worked on separately if you prefer.

Transactions will be done via paypal.

What do you translate?

Japanese to English for manga. I mostly get commission requests for adult content, though.

How long do you take?

Depends. If it's a short chapter, I can get it done in a day or two if there aren't anything else in my backlog.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Kaientai - Code Geass - Eleven Usagi

Here's a new one, borught to you by flash.killer. Kallen gets caught, blackmailed into doing humiliating things for her captives captors (I fail at English) until she finally breaks down and lose her mind and become a mindless cum-guzzling slut D:

(/◔ ◡ ◔)/  I’ll be really thankful if you can use this link rather than the rest)





*Bayonetta on the Xbox 360 is superior. They shouldn't have bothered with porting the game into the PS3. You get less load times, smoother gameplay, and from what I've noticed, the button tapping sequence is easier to perform on the xbox version too (I get max combo from them most of the time). Also, holding down the attack combo punch/kicks inflict stupid amounts of damage, I can't believe I only discover it now.


  1. awesome that this is tranlated and will be pleasured to dl this but surprised that no one has translated Melancholy Princess 4 yet...

  2. hasn't it been a well known fact that the 360 version is better sense the Japanese launch of the game?

  3. Aahh... classic Kaientai. Thanks Desudesu

  4. Is it really that bad? I mean, I know about the load times and the graphics screw up, but does it actually effect gameplay? It isn't really important, I've only got a PS3, so that's what I'll play it on, but I would like to know. I thought about getting it used so I don't support Sega's blatant failure, but this pretty much cements that decision.

  5. Finem: well, I like how the loading is just split-second once you have it installed to the hard drive. The game plays with a higher/smoother frame rate too, and the short load time you get when you go to the item screen/pause the game/pick up an item/enter and leaving Rodin's shop is nonexistent. I have no idea how I managed to put up with the PS3 port D:

  6. interesting, I know with most games the PS3 has come out on top due to superior hardware, I wonder what went wrong with Bayonetta. Was thinking about getting it even though I play mostly RPG but I only have a PS3 so maybe I won't anyway.

  7. Had this for a while, but wanted to see it translated.

    Thanks to both you fellas!

  8. Well, since I don't have a 360, i'll just have to tolerate the ps3. Btw, the term is 'captors', 'captives' means that she's the one who caught them.

  9. i don't have a 360 either, and i don't plan on getting one anytime soon.

    so... if i can tolerate the load times of the PSP port of "Ys: The Ark of Napishtim", i'm sure i can tolerate any load times the PS3 port of Bayonetta can dish out

    i'd also like to read an h-manga like this one where the girl DOESN'T lose her mind it too much to ask for variety? D:

  10. Zwagon: >…is it too much to ask for variety? D:
    You must know we're dealing with Japan here =o

  11. I think otherwise. We need moar mind-breaking doujins here.

    At first I couldn't stand those, but now... I've got to say, people DO change.


  12. I agree with desudesu regarding Bayonetta. What's the point of porting something to PS3 when it's not going to be a complete or flawless? It's basically like "cheating" i would say...

  13. I'm guessing they ported it so it could sell well in Japan.

  14. Did anyone else get a chuckle from "You're making Zero cry!"?
    Thanks desudesu, didn't know the Melancholy Princess guy had other stuff published.

  15. The port was obviously rushed for the sales they wouldn't have sold as much copies of Bayonetta otherwise. Sucks though I really do like the Dualshock 3 more than the 360 controller also for some reason. I did find the button tappin on the 360 much easier I would mash it like crazy on the PS3 and end up no where but on the 360 I get max each time.

  16. Like the artist. Also voting for Melancholy Princess 4.

  17. Here's another vote for Melancholy Princess 4. And if you like the artist here's his blog -
