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Contact Email for Commissions:

How much do you charge?

From $1.5 to 2.0 per page. The price will increase if the manga is unusually wordy or if it will require additional image editing due to text style (text directly on image). The full cost of translation must be paid before I begin working on it. Larger works can be broken into parts and worked on separately if you prefer.

Transactions will be done via paypal.

What do you translate?

Japanese to English for manga. I mostly get commission requests for adult content, though.

How long do you take?

Depends. If it's a short chapter, I can get it done in a day or two if there aren't anything else in my backlog.

Sunday 4 October 2009

Kunimitsu Suwa - Kyou no Wanko day 2


Here's another release for the day, courtesy of Perentie. Enjoy your sex-changing-incubus raping a humanoid shota dog.

(/◔ ◡ ◔)/  I’ll be really thankful if you can use this link rather than the rest)




On an unrelated news, I love Conan O Brien. He's such a cool dude, introducing Rodrigo y Gabriela's music to the masses:


  1. yeah, I saw that.

    ..I'm no huge music buff...are they some sort of big indie group or something? Or are you just a huge fan?

    Either way, they were awesome.

  2. Shake: I dunno much about them, but yeah, I'm a huge fan for their stuff <3

  3. That video was fucking amazing. I am seriously gonna have to go buy a CD of theirs or something just to reward them for being that awesome. Thanks Desudesu for sharing that, since I am at *work* when the Tonight Show is on (grumble grumble) I had not seen it and would not have known about them without your post.

    As for the chapter you released, that was pretty good... but is there a "Day 1"? It seems like there should be. If so, is Perentie planning on getting it translated? Or did they just want to see Day 2 done?

  4. Zathael: I dunno, Perentie just wanted "Day 2" done.

  5. Awesome guitar music is awesome. I'll have to look into them more now.

  6. Many thanx Desu and Perentie. Can we expect chp 1?

  7. Anonymous Lurker5 October 2009 at 00:07

    Fuck. Both porn and the musicians were fucking awesome. MOAR

  8. Sadly if "day 1" was ever scanned I don't know where it is so as of yet there are no plans to translate it as I've never seen it. I didn't even know this was a part 2 of something when I commissioned it, only that it looked like a great succubus one-shot. ^_^

  9. Thanx Perentie. That's a pity.

  10. err, wait, if that's an incubus, wouldn't that technically make it... yaoi!? O_O
    well, i suppose not seeing as it seems to be incubus ~ succubus

    i like the art a lot though for some reason *hopes "day 1" is lying around somewhere on the internet waiting to be found*

  11. I actually had the other two chapters buried in my drive.

    It's chapter 1-3 untranslated of course.Ch.1 is "okay" quality and the succubus really only gets action in this one that has been translated. The other two focus more on the fox boy thing and girl who's a magician/scientist or something.

  12. Direct link:

  13. Thanks a ton Bankas for the upload of the other chapters, but while it looks cute the rest of the story doesn't interest me enough to commission it. Others can feel free to though.

  14. I agree, the succubus is what makes it the funny.

  15. Long-time Lurker5 October 2009 at 21:46

    I LOVE Rodrigo y Gabriela! Their rendition of Orion (Metallica instrumental) is effing amazing! These guys have been around for so long that' it's awsome to see Conan giving them the exposure they deserve! If you guys like this, buy their CDs! ALL the songs are just as epic!

  16. "This video is no longer availablle due to a copyright claim by NBC Universal."
    Thanks for the vid desudesu.
