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Contact Email for Commissions:

How much do you charge?

From $1.5 to 2.0 per page. The price will increase if the manga is unusually wordy or if it will require additional image editing due to text style (text directly on image). The full cost of translation must be paid before I begin working on it. Larger works can be broken into parts and worked on separately if you prefer.

Transactions will be done via paypal.

What do you translate?

Japanese to English for manga. I mostly get commission requests for adult content, though.

How long do you take?

Depends. If it's a short chapter, I can get it done in a day or two if there aren't anything else in my backlog.

Sunday 4 October 2009



Here's a new release, courtesy of Fatjoe. Enjoy your loli vampire who has magical familiars that turn into double-dildo (and she uses it as well, I guess that counts as futa?) :


(/◔ ◡ ◔)/  I’ll be really thankful if you can use this link rather than the rest)




*Valkyria Chronicles is such a fun game (and whatever Yahtzee said about it in his video is so true). I've been spending 3+ hours per day playing that shit since last Thursday. It's just wonderful managing a militia full of pretty teenage animu girls and a gay man who refers himself as "atashi". It's even got an ojou-sama archetype girl as one of the scouts. Shit's so cash (*´Д`)ハァハァ

Can't believe I started playing the game just to see more of the mature-looking-girl with the monster rack.


  1. desu. Get the dlc. Those are awesome.

    Oh, and on mission 10, 12, and 13, be ready to hate the game. Freesia's the best, btw.

  2. Didn't Yahtzee hate that one? He doesn't like the animu.

  3. he hates pretty much 99% of games he reviews, but he speaks truth of them. its up to us to enjoy it or not. Also, Valkyria Chronicles 2 for the PSP! Loli (almost wearing nothing) Valkyria coming up~

  4. Yahtzee actauly did a very poor review for Valkria Chronicles in my opinion.

    He was very accurate in somethings, such as how the accuracy of your weapons can sometimes screw/mess up the whole strategic value of a move you made.

    But also was very inaccurate or simply wrong in other things. For example he specifically mentions that the inability to save mid-turn in a fight is a detriment to the game, when in fact you can save mid-turn, just not while controlling a character. (Honestly his review of VC made me go back and look at some of his other reviews and actually play fully through some of the games he said were crap. For the earlier stuff he was more or less spot on with the problems/crap levels but for the more recent stuff I've noticed how he's simply wrong/seems to be making stuff up. Makes me wonder if he even plays all the games he reviews anymore/how much he says things just to sound witty.)

    As for the DLC they were good but you had to enjoy the game. The blue flame was fun and made you really feel sorry for the people you beat the crap out of during the normal game, but also felt really short for the cost. The Eddi missions were also fun, but you can also tell they clearly designed it so you had to play through at least twice, and again felt very short. That isn't to say they weren't worth it, but they did feel a bit lackluster compared to the rest of the game - the Very Hard really made up for them for me as it made you really think about how you'd go about doing things.

    Also Freesia does win, and Rosie with the super gun is hilarious.

  5. well, considering she seems to feel the same sensations that her conveniently-shaped familiar feels (no idea how, though) i suppose it would be futanari...
    this sort of futa is no fun though. cause if the dick comes out of the pussy (is it just me, or does that sound funny? >_>) there is no point in it being futanari. it's like: "i'm a futanari. but while i am, i pretty much don't have a pussy. so what if it doesn't make sense." D:

  6. a blazblue doujin!

    also, Valkyria chronicles is good shit. I second getting both the DLCs. it adds alot of fun to what you already have...

  7. /me bought a PS3 just to play Valkyria Chronicles

  8. Ever since Yahtzee got picked up by Escapist, he didn't have to do any good reviews; he just had to get page views. And the best way to do that is to say outrageous stuff. He went from reviewing games to just ranting. He got a job to be shocking/funny, which is like getting tenure. He doesn't have to do quality work anymore. He also hates JRPGs, FPS, and RTS, so he pretty much just plays 10 hours and then makes a review on that.


  9. 2 bad da english tl of vc was terrisuck.

    dis waz hawt btw.

  10. The doujin starts off with Noel, Rachel and then Ragna (even Jin has a small part). I main Rachel so I really enjoyed this doujin. Their was another Blazblue doujin featuring Noel and Litchi, but I'll leave it to the people that main those characters ^_~

  11. Fuckin' told you, mate. ^__^

  12. >Implying that Yahtzee is (or was ever) a viable review source

    And we all know that Yahtzee made some mindblowing games AMIRITE?

    In all seriousness though, Yahtzee jumped the shark with about his 10th or 11th review when everyone became wise of his "pointless rant on every minor flaw of every game".
    Then again I hope no one took any of his reviews seriously in the first place.

    Also reviews = LOL OPINIONS
    If you're not a fucking casual you don't even pay attention to reviews.

  13. read for lols. I loled. nicely done translating and editing.
    Mediafire link is down. no idea how long. All the others work just fine though.
