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Contact Email for Commissions:

How much do you charge?

From $1.5 to 2.0 per page. The price will increase if the manga is unusually wordy or if it will require additional image editing due to text style (text directly on image). The full cost of translation must be paid before I begin working on it. Larger works can be broken into parts and worked on separately if you prefer.

Transactions will be done via paypal.

What do you translate?

Japanese to English for manga. I mostly get commission requests for adult content, though.

How long do you take?

Depends. If it's a short chapter, I can get it done in a day or two if there aren't anything else in my backlog.

Sunday 20 December 2009

Skirt-Tsuki - Kinpatsu no Omamori

Here’s a new release courtesy of Lord G.  In the Gundam universe, one's girlfriend's genitalia hair serves to bring good luck to one, as demonstrated by Amuro Ray who gets killed in this doujin for failing to obtain Sayla's genitalia hair =3=

(/◔ ◡ ◔)/  I’ll be really thankful if you can use this link rather than the rest)





  1. The concept is from the Gundam novels, for those interested.

  2. "Recommended for ages 30 and above"


  3. because people under 30 haven't read the MS:G novels, of course.

  4. ehh, haven't i read that thing about the hair somewhere before...?

    too bad i can't remember where i read it for the life of me

  5. Many thanx Sayo and Lord G.

  6. Many thanx Desu and Lord G.

  7. Lolwat? Pubic Hair is serious business apparently.

  8. Surprisingly the actual plot of the MSG novels.

  9. Most memorable part in the novels was Kai's rant on why Amuro died. Not because of a lucky shot, but because he didn't get a lock of Sayla's pubic hair.

  10. Christ, I had almost forgotten about that retarded "amulet" sub-plot. I guess Tomino gets points for originality, but I couldn't take that passage seriously. It was pure, concentrated lolwut?

    Still, good work, Desu

  11. Tominoooooooooooooooooo

  12. Y'know, I continually wonder why people post crap scans. *sigh* Anyway, I will be asking you for the PSDs of this one for re-editing, since I'm in the process of rescanning it, along with a bunch of other Skirt-tuki doujins that all seem to have been scanned badly by the same person.

  13. Thanks I'm more than 30 and I'm very happy when Ii found something good of the original Gundam. If you got more please post it

  14. [...] it at that point, so I offered to re-edit the English version.  Here’s the original post by desudesu if you want to tell him thanks for the translation.  Enjoy your Gundam novels [...]
