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Contact Email for Commissions:

How much do you charge?

From $1.5 to 2.0 per page. The price will increase if the manga is unusually wordy or if it will require additional image editing due to text style (text directly on image). The full cost of translation must be paid before I begin working on it. Larger works can be broken into parts and worked on separately if you prefer.

Transactions will be done via paypal.

What do you translate?

Japanese to English for manga. I mostly get commission requests for adult content, though.

How long do you take?

Depends. If it's a short chapter, I can get it done in a day or two if there aren't anything else in my backlog.

Monday 7 December 2009

Inferior 4


So here's Inferior 4, courtesy of YDKJMF from myincesthentai. Enjoy your futa mom and her shota crossdressing son =o

Get it at MyIncestHentai, as usual :3


  1. Azure Xuchilbara7 December 2009 at 11:39

    Righteous, righteous...Now that's a nice combo...

  2. Thanks to YDKJMF and Desudesu, as always. From the gallery it seems good, I'm going to download it tomorrow since at the moment it's stopping halfway.

  3. mm, i was hoping some more inferior would be translated
    thanks desu and YDKJMF
    also, referring to your post desu, what's "ourtesy"? :D


    i was having the same problems downloading it too.
    took me about 4 tries till it finally downloaded properly ._.

  4. How many others in this series have been scanned anyways?

  5. Inferior 1-6 and Inferior Male. that's not all that's out there by this artist, they have other works not in the inferior series, like 'Going to the Futa Bath', 'Mikawa Ondo 5 Shota Ousama to Futanari Chime-san no Hon' and Natsu.

  6. yes more from this artist. good crossdressing futa doujins

  7. Hmm, I went to g.e-hentai to look at this, but a whole bunch of galleries can't be accessed.

    BTW, could you post a link to download the raw (or eng. version) to Zecchou Boshi Vol 3 please?

    The only ones I could find require a pricey membership fee.


  8. BTW, is there a membership fee to join myincesthentai?

    I'm guessing the fact that a fee isn't mentioned implies that there isn't one, but I'm not the trusting sort.

    Plus, I'm always worried the gov't may crack down & arrest anyone who has connections to such sites. Even if I never look at lolicon, all it takes is for a site to have ONE .jpg of a loli & one'd get 20 to life. ^_- Why does "" hentai haveno lolicon?

    The US can take our freedoms away overnight, just look at the DCMA.

  9. Desudesu, you should also tag this as traps.
    I found it ridiculous that there's only two traps doujin in the categories.

  10. Um, can anyone tell me what the title of this Hindenburg Manga is:

    I thinks it's Sawaa Sutoraguru/ Sour Struggle, but can't tell.

    I sure as hell can't find the RAW to it anywhere.

    Seriously, someone needs to edit that site. It's a pain to translate all those kanji.

  11. No worries, I found sour struggle & found a great Kanji site to translate the titles.

    Sadly, I can't find any downloads of the following:

    Kinji Rareta Asobi DX, Bokudake No Onnakyoushi, Shitagi Doroa Nioi Shioki/ Pedro Underwear Punishment, Yoso Misha Iya, Seima Gakuen, Kanin Rankou, Kindan no Himitsu Kei Yaku.

    If you can point me to a list of these Hindenburg hentai, I'd be grateful. (Please no Torrents, I can never get those to work)
