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Contact Email for Commissions:

How much do you charge?

From $1.5 to 2.0 per page. The price will increase if the manga is unusually wordy or if it will require additional image editing due to text style (text directly on image). The full cost of translation must be paid before I begin working on it. Larger works can be broken into parts and worked on separately if you prefer.

Transactions will be done via paypal.

What do you translate?

Japanese to English for manga. I mostly get commission requests for adult content, though.

How long do you take?

Depends. If it's a short chapter, I can get it done in a day or two if there aren't anything else in my backlog.

Monday 9 November 2009

Noubaiekijyu - Maid in China


Sure is puns in my touhou doujin title

Here's a new one, courtesy of qazmlpok. Enjoy your dickgirl China Hong Meiling Touhou doujin.

(/◔ ◡ ◔)/  I’ll be really thankful if you can use this link rather than the rest)





*recommend me a manga, please? I've been on a mango-buying spree lately. Bought Minami-ke, Zetsubou Sensei, Muv Luv Alternative, Haruhi-chan, Nichijou, Sora no otoshimono, Otaku no Musume-san, Saint Onii-san, Lotte no Omocha, Maria Holic, Orichalcum Reycal and Little Busters 4koma. More mangos in my collection is always welcomed <3

**Read Saint Onii-san if you haven't already. It's an awesome manga:



  1. hey desu
    try to read "me and devil blues"

    it's awesome

  2. I cannot recommend "Sumire 16 Sai!!" hard enough. It's quite possibly the funniest, least known manga you will ever read.
    If you want to check out what there is of it translated, 5 or so volumes out though only 2 translated.

  3. Mant thanx Desu and Qazmlpok, for this lovely story.

  4. Try some Naoki Urosawa works (Monster, Pluto).

  5. Im currently reading Omamori Himari. I think it's a ecchi mango with catgirl and I also would recommend Mirai Nikki.

  6. try Bishoujo Sentai Petalicon.
    it's very funny.

  7. I've gotten big into Change 123 recently. Highschool Martial arts with a girl with multiple personalities due to hellish training, each one is a master of a different style. Her breasts even get bigger when she goes into grappler mode.

  8. Awesome, the name alone guaranteed this to be a real treat...

    Hey desudesu, how's that first chunk of 'that' massive touhou futa doujin coming along..?

  9. I second Tazrael. Change 123 is awesome. If only Snoopy Cool would come back from his haitus... Although I don't think you're worried about translations or not...

  10. try BLAME! I guess... ?

    the art starts out somewhat ok and improves a lot by the end

  11. well what kind of genre r u looking for anyway?
    comedy? action? or just good ol' no-plot-but-has-shitload-of-pantyshots-and-boobies?

  12. If you'd like to check something vintage/old-school, look for Hallelujah Boy. Sacrilicious with a good helping of GAR is always good for everybody.

    For a more recent series, definitely check out Mirai Nikki, Medaka Box, and NEEDLESS.

  13. Holyland for some good and (mostly) realistic fightan mango.

    Mahou Sensei Negima is another favorite of mine, quite good shonen once the genre shifts, and fanservice as only Akamatsu can do it.

    The Ghost in the Shell manga if you don't mind your head exploding.

    Gunsmith Cats is good if you don't mind lots of gun talk, but it might get a bit ranty if that's not your thing.

  14. I'd endorse Mirai Nikki and Akumetsu. Both pretty cool and different.

  15. I love Saint Oniisan! <3

  16. I still can't get over how genius this title is

    holyshit how spectacular

  17. Someone beat me to mentioning Naoki Urusawa--I second that suggestion. 20th Century Boys is a little slow to burn, but it's GREAT.

    There's also a recent re-release of the Ghost in the Shell manga. 'A Drifting Life' is a must if you're interested in the history of manga, as it centers around the life of many famous early-mangaka (like when Osamu Tezuka was still in college). 'Bat-Manga: The Secret History of Batman in Japan' is also great--think that classic 60s camp-Batman, but from Japan. 'Living with the Light' is a little different, but I still recommend it--it's about a mother dealing with her autistic son.

    Finally, there's Sunlight Sketch, a.k.a., 'Hidamari Sketch'. It's a 4Koma manga, but come on, how can you say no to that nut-bladder busting '|_______________________________________________________________|' face?

  18. The World God Only Knows and Mysterious Girlfriend X

    Also seconding Mirai Nikki, it is great.

  19. more like "china in maid" amirite?

  20. lemme give ya some advice if you dont know them yet ^_^

    kuroshitsuji - a.k black butler for the mystery-like hohoho (especially if you`re type moon fans like me)
    yureka and half prince - for online games lovers
    akikan (forgot the name) - weird manga about girls from can..err or can from girls? ...bah, anyway its like theres girls from aluminium cans and iron can trying to kill each others and so on
    hagane - a pretty gore..or in short words adult manga, with spirit of musashi,bily the kid,etc manifesting people(kinda like ARMS manga)
    mahou tsukai kurohime - pretty fun to watch
    cage of eden - a group of kid transported to a place similiar or worser than the age of dinosaur without any means to return
    migawari hakushaku no bouken - funny and neat shoujo like but maybe not every guy like it
    berserk - super cool adult manga which you will probably say "OMG,WTF" more than once
    karakuri odette - shoujo about how a gynoid (female robots) trying to life as student
    and any other mangas i failed to mention lol (coz some of them are famous alrdy)

  21. [...] another release for the day, brought to you by qazmlpok. It’s a sequel to Maid in China, about touhoes with [...]

  22. How about Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (official English title: "Higurashi: When They Cry")? And if you like Ken Akamatsu's works, I suggest Love Hina. It's classic, but still good.
