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Contact Email for Commissions:

How much do you charge?

From $1.5 to 2.0 per page. The price will increase if the manga is unusually wordy or if it will require additional image editing due to text style (text directly on image). The full cost of translation must be paid before I begin working on it. Larger works can be broken into parts and worked on separately if you prefer.

Transactions will be done via paypal.

What do you translate?

Japanese to English for manga. I mostly get commission requests for adult content, though.

How long do you take?

Depends. If it's a short chapter, I can get it done in a day or two if there aren't anything else in my backlog.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

[STUDIO TIAMAT] Shinku's Romantic Traveler's Journal (JoJo's Bizarre Adventures)

Here's another release for the day, brought to you by Fatjoe. I'm (pleasantly) surprised people actually make doujins out of JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, considering that the source material looks something like this:

(/◔ ◡ ◔)/  I’ll be really thankful if you can use this link rather than the rest)



  1. jojo's h doujin ?


  2. God, I wish there was more Jojo porn. For some reason, I've seen a lot of doujins where the artist switches over to one of Araki's styles for the punchline pages at the end.

  3. Actual started reading the mangas (from the beginning)a couple of month ago. Stop at the Stone Ocean arch. The series is really great, and I'm suprised that their aren't more good ones out thier :(

  4. Many thanx Desu and Fatjoe.

  5. They did it. They finally did it.

    Call me whatever you want but I've been fantasized about this girl ever since the first time I read the story. I can't believe that after like 20 years later someone finally make a doujin about her. And a good one to boot!

    You have my deepest gratitude, Desu and Fatjoe.

  6. For anyone who's curious, the girl appears in 3rd arc(Egypt one). She sneaked onto the ship the group was on, and was involved(mainly as a hostage) in some fights.

  7. There needs to be more JoJo porn. Preferably Araki-style, with the impossible spine-breaking poses and MANLINESS!

  8. Oh God, it's been so long since I read Jojo's Bizarre adventure and I cannot remember who that girl is again. Can someone remind me?
